We are a family of House Churches meeting throughout NoCo to connect in community and make disciples of Jesus.

House Churches meet throughout the week across Northern Colorado in various homes to celebrate communion, fellowship, scripture, and prayer. We come together on Sunday mornings for The Gathering - the larger reunion of all the individual House Churches - to celebrate worship, teaching, dedications, and baptisms.


House Church are discipleship outposts of both community and commission. They help us to stay connected together while also knitting new disciples into family. They are small, intimate gatherings in homes providing a unique and distinct opportunity for relationship, accountability, and discipleship. While many churches offer small groups or Bible studies, House Church takes this concept to a another level, with robust leadership, autonomy, and vulnerability. In our church family, we encourage participation in both mid-week House Churches and The Gathering on Sundays. Both serve their purpose, but House Church provides an opportunity for believers to connect on a deeper level with one another and with God.

For more context and background on our House Churches please visit our blog post.


① North West Fort Collins

Wednesdays 6pm

Contact: Mike Applegate

(303) 564-2572

West Central Fort Collins

2606 Flintridge Pl., Fort Collins

Thursdays 6pm

Contact: Tom Hepting

(970) 481-8740

North Central Fort Collins

Thursdays at 6pm

Contact: Jesse Applegate

(720) 257-1000

North Central Severance

Tuesdays at 6pm

Contact: Robert Blake

(720) 498-4000

⑤ East Central Fort Collins

Thursdays at 6:30pm

Contact: Jim Harrington

(303) 808-9101

South West Fort Collins

Wednesdays 6pm

Contact: Rob Bray

(970) 817-1785

North West Windsor

Tuesdays 6:30pm

Contact: Jonathan Apodaca

(970) 222-1520